Monday, April 20, 2020

Gaia our "Mother Earth"

Goddess Gaia

Pachamama our Mother Earth

Gaia our Mother Earth who is also associated with the Full Moon and “the Mother” in the Pagan’s triple goddess symbol. The Inca's referred to her as “Pachamama” the fertility goddess. She is the goddess of life, the mother to everything and everyone.  She created us and we will return to her after death. She has raw, maternal powers and demands respect.  Gaia controls the elements of life, ensuring they work together to sustain our existence. Every day that we are blessed here on this planet we should; celebrate, honor and give thanks to the gifts she provides us.

Give thanks to the food we eat, as it is sacred nourishment. Plants, flowers, fruits and trees, are means for survival and to heal. She created crystals and minerals to support us physically, mentally and spiritually. We need to acknowledge that our homes, buildings and every item inside them are made with the elements provided by Gaia. We must protect her to continue our way of living.

While she is our living nurturer, she is also the great destroyer.  She will balance the harm from that she suffers. Famine, extreme weather, volcanoes, earth quakes, and tsunamis are destructive ways she uses to create something better.  Gaia teaches us, “Even in chaos, the purpose is beyond what our human minds see.”

The best way to connect with Gaia on deep and personal level is through mediation with stones, under the full moon.  During the full moon is when we give thanks for our achievements and celebrate

Petrified wood is the best stone for a profound connection with Gaia, our Mother Earth.  This is an ancient wood that has been fossilized and turned to stone.  This stone has a strong message for us, saying; persevere, transform, be resilient. 

Petrified wood helps you to establish deep roots when grounding yourself through meditation. It tells you to stop obsessing over things that you cannot control.  Trust that Gaia has us, her plan is beyond what we can comprehend, respect her and go with the flow of life.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Pink Super Moon in Libra

April 7, 2020

First some science!!!  Why is it called a Super Pink Moon?  This moon will appear to be bigger and closer then normal.  It actually is!!!  The actual size of the moon is the same, but it appears so large because the Moon is at it's closest point on its orbit around Earth. This position that also coincides with the full moon phase, makes this a Super moon. The largest one of the year!!! 

    According to the Farmer's Almanac, April's Full Moon has several names. It is now known as the Pink Moon.  This moon was named "Pink" because of the early spring time blooms. 
  Another name for April's full moon is the Egg Moon.  In history, April moon was named after "Eostre", the fertility goddess.  She holds a strong feminine energy, symbolizing rebirth, wisdom, health, and reincarnation.  She is associated with a totem animal, the Hare.  This is how Easter gets its name, recognized by the Easter bunny and Eggs.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                April's Super Pink Moon, falls in Libra.  This full moon aims to ease tensions, find balance reminding you of all the beauty that surrounds you.  Libra's are said to be; kind, cooperative, loves company, art, and beauty.  Libras's love to love!!!  They strive for balance and harmony.  During this difficult time, tilt the scales in your favor.  Dive deep into your inner realms and ask yourself, what are your deepest needs?  What is asking to be born through you??  Allow your creative flow to guide you.  Welcome to a new reality!!!  Take a break, get some fresh air, and look at this Super Pink Moon tonight.  Remember that beauty never disappears, it resides inside us.

Tonight, Sage Goddess will be performing an Online Full Moon Ceremony.  Live on Facebook.
Athena Perrakis brings a sacred space to the masses and helps empowers you to see the Sacred nature of everyday life.  I highly recommend attending her events!!!
I have attached the link to tonight's ceremony below.
As I virtually attend her Full Moon rituals each month, I like to prepare.  I like to feel as present as possible.
Sage goddess sells monthly tool kits for each of her Rituals.  Tonight's tools are; a Creation Perfume, with notes of grapefruit, cassia and neroli.  Candle infused with the Creation perfume. Gemstones she uses are, rose quartz, peach aventurine, and carnelian.  Also, an Easter egg and moon mantra art.

I reviewed the tools that she is using. I tried to match, or replaced them with something similar that I already have at home.  This is my alter for this Super Pink Moon Ritual.

The Creation perfume that Sage goddess developed is to clear mental chatter, increase energy, calm the nerves and uplift the mood. I am using similar essential oils.

I will use my diffuser with Scenty's Orange Strawberry Melon. Which uplifts energy and boost creativity. Also adding, Yankee Candle's Pink Sands to calms nerves with warm vanilla notes, and energize me with exotic florals and bright citrus notes.  


 *VanVan is a combination of citronella, lemongrass and palmarosa. It is known to be a purifier. Brings success and good fortune.  I will anoint the candle with this oil, during the ceremony.  

The Gemstones I am using tonight are my Rose Quartz Generator, Sunstone, and Carnelian Sphere.
~Rose Quarts is for universal love and peace.  

~Sunstone (replacing Peach Aventurine) helps to nurture your self.  Brings in the light energy of the sun.  It is an anti-depressant because it uplifts mood, confidence and self-worth. 

~Carnelian increases energy and creativity.

Tonight, under the Full Moon, I will charge my blessings jar filled with stones, anointed with my essential oil blend and sealed with wax. I give thanks and show much gratitude, as my creations for the past month are blooming and coming to life.  I ask the moon to "embody my creativity and give life through all I think, say and do" 

Rose Quartz to draw off negative energy and replace with loving vibes, especially during this traumatic time.

Amethyst to protect me during this stressful change.  To balance my mood and purify my energy.,

Carnelian to keep me grounded while restoring my motivation and stimulating  creativity.

Citrine to help bring joy into my life.  Help me to manifest my goals, to attract good health and prosperity. 

Powered by my Clear Quartz cluster generator.  Clear quartz is the most powerful healing and energy amplifying stone on the planet. This crystal raises energy to the highest possible level.  It receives, and projects energy out in all different directions. 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Moon in Aries - "I Initiate Power"

New Moon in Aries
March 24, 2020

 “I Initiate Power”

           In the lunar cycle , the new moon in Aries signifies a raw life force asserting courage, independence and strength.  Aries are adventurous, passionate and honest. This is time of new beginnings, manifest new ideas and initiate new ideas.  Set your intentions for the month to follow and trust your inner visions.

             We are using enchanted plant medicine along with spirit guides and crystals to aid us on this journey.  We will be utilizing the medicinal properties of Ginger root and Palo Santo. Also, attuning to the leopard spirit guides paired with the leopard skin jasper, will aid us in this spiritual journey.

Ginger Root –was considered a cure all for over a 1,000 years. Ginger awakens the senses, and physical body.  It is an Anti-viral and anti-inflammatory, that eases arthritis, fever, headache and cough.  Ginger root is associated with the planet Mars (ruling sign of Aries).  Mars and ginger both embody the energy of the warrior, boosts vitality and immunity. The smell has a strong, spicy and masculine aroma. It cleanses the bodily aura and when eaten, it has an antioxidant effect.

Palo Santo - “Sacred Wood” or “Holy Wood” is grown in South America.  The oils develop over time, after the tree has fallen and starts to decompose. When burned it cleanses both physically and spiritually.  It has a warm, mint and citrus scent, which stimulates an euphoric effect in the mind. Used during meditation, it enhances clarity, restores tranquility, and deepens the connection with your divine source.

Leopard – This spirt animal signifies stealth, grace and strength.  A person who embodies the leopard show great perseverance. They are a survivor, well respected and stand their ground.  They intelligently rely on instincts with a powerful alpha personality.  They have a strong aura and are able to transmute energies to others around them.  People who are embodied by the Leopard are unique, noticeable, confident, prideful, mentors, and ambitious. This spirit guide teaches “What doesn’t kill you, makes you Stronger”.  Call on your spirit animal when you need to be reminded of your own true power.  Assisting you to shape shift into a determined fighter while accomplishing your goals.

Leopard Jasper Stone – In Greek, jasper is called “jaspi” meaning spotted stone. Jasper is considered the “supreme nurturer”.  It eases emotional stress and strengthens the body, heart, mind and spirit.  It brings us a sense of stability through chaotic times. During meditation, leopard jasper helps with spiritual journey, exploring past lives and dreams.  This is a powerful protection stone that increase strength and vitality, and clears the path to see the end results.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intuitive Eye - Amethyst

Trust * Intuition * Spirituality
Trust * Intuition * Spirituality
Amethyst is a member of the quartz family, also forming in ancient lava beds millions of years ago.  The presence of iron or manganese impurities with in the pockets of growing crystals, along with natural irradation causes the quartz to turn purple.
The word Amethyst comes from Greek term, Amethystus, which means “not druken”.  They believed amethyst protected the human body from intoxication, even drinking from cups made from or jeweled with the stone.  The ancient Greek wrote an interesting story about the creation of this crystal. Amethyst was a young virgin who became the victim of the Greek god Dionysus after he became intoxicated.  She cried out for help to the goddess Diana and she turned Amethyst into a white shimmery stone (quartz).  Dionysus realized what had happened and he felt remorseful.  His tears dripped into his goblet of red wine, the goblet overturned and spilled all over the white rock.  The red wine saturated the stone and it became Purple Quartz, or Amethyst.
This stone has been treasured all through history, dating before Christ.  In 25,000BC, Neolithic people used Amethyst as decoration within their surroundings believing it protected them.  Egyptian pharaohs adorned their tombs, as a symbol of royalty. Amethyst is even cited in biblical references, associated with both Apostle Matthias and Adnachiel the guardian angel.
Amethyst is considered a protective stone.  This crystal is connected with the crown chakra, which is helpful in purifying the mind, assists in clairvoyance and intuition.  Clearing your mind of negative thoughts, including stress and anxiety. Amethyst is also associated with abundance, therefore relieving stress and emanating prosperity and peace.
When meditating with Amethyst either for relaxation, abundance, or protection, repeat to yourself, “I trust myself, I see what I need and it will come to me”.

The Love Magnet - Rose Quartz

unconditional love * forgiveness * compassion

Rose quartz was deemed the ultimate symbol of love, which was cited in many ancient myths.  The Greeks believed, Cupid the God of desire and Eros the God of love gave humans the gift of love in solid form, the rose quartz crystal.  The Romans offered a touching story behind the creation of this stone.  When Adonis was attacked by Ares, his lover Aphrodite came to help him.  Along the way she was cut by a briar bush.  When she reached her mate, a mix of their blood soaked into the quartz stone creating its iconic rosy pink color.  The legend is a reminder of the stones true meaning and it's powerful association with romantic love. 

Rose Quartz is strongly connected with compassion and unconditional love.  This is a treasured stone to enhance love of all kinds, including to yourself and of all living things.  Rose quartz is a valued healing tool, with its gentle feminine energy, bringing tenderness into the heart. The high frequencies will bring your consciousness to a higher level and help you to forgive, by understanding situations from a more positive perspective.  This will help to let go of trapped negative emotions and toxic energies, restore trust, assist in moving forward, accepting the past and to heal from emotional wounds.

When meditating with your Rose quartz crystal, it is even more powerful when you align with the energy of love in all aspects of life.  During your meditation, clear your mind and let all your emotions flow through you, both good and bad.  Let any negativity towards yourself or others transform into feeling of love and compassion.  Recite, “I am Love”.

Crystal Clarity - Clear Quartz

“Crystal Clarity”

Clarity * Manifestation * Focus

Quartz was formed 130-150 million years ago inside ancient lava flows.  As the lava slowly cooled, pockets were created trapping gas and water. Crystals began forming inside these cavities.  Quartz is the most abundant crystal on Earth, in a variety of colors and several different formations. It constitutes nearly 12% of Earth’s crust and is found in every country.  Quartz is made of silicon dioxide, also known as Silica, which can be found naturally in water, plants, and within the tissues of our bodies!!!! 
Because Quartz has been found all over the world, it has been tied to many cultures and ancient myths.  The term “quartz” comes from the Greek word, “Ice.” They believed this stone was a form of permanent Ice, so cold, it never thawed.  North American cultures believed it was a living being and would bring gifts, food and other offerings out of respect. Both Australian and South American cultures tied Quartz with their creation stories, that the creator of life was led by a quartz crystal.  Often they revered the stone as being a vessel for their ancestors. They would carve it into clear skulls, like an urn for the spirits. In Scotland and Ireland, it was carved into spheres, as they believed quartz could heal a variety of ailments.
Quartz is still being used today!!  Simple uses such glass productions, to major applications in several technological devices.  Industries put quartz to use by taking advantage of it’s amplification and programing qualities.  Quartz is used in frequency controls and electronic circuits, found in cell phones, television receivers, computers and more.  LCD screens found on tablets, laptops and televisions, actually stands for Liquid Crystal Display.
Focusing on the concept of Quartz’s abilities to amplify and memory programming,  we can apply these same qualities to our own health and well-being. Clear Quartz is considered a master healer as it works with all the chakras within the body.  It will amplify energy and thoughts from an individual. It absorbs, stores, releases and regulates energy. This stone is considered a “feel-better stone”, as it improves your quality of life, makes you feel happier, re-energizes you (along with other stones), and can channel any energy to aid in any condition.  
Emotionally, clear quartz connects with the Crown chakra;  focuses the mind, aids in meditation and relieves negativity. This crystal works at a vibrational level attuned to the specific energy requirements of the person needing healing, raising the energy to the highest level possible.  It is best to use Quartz when manifesting your intentions and goals. When you focus on the intention you want to send to the crystal, the memory within the stone will download your energy and help you manifest your goals. While meditating with your stone, a good affirmation to recite is, “I am crystal clear on my intentions & goals”