Thursday, November 21, 2019

Intuitive Eye - Amethyst

Trust * Intuition * Spirituality
Trust * Intuition * Spirituality
Amethyst is a member of the quartz family, also forming in ancient lava beds millions of years ago.  The presence of iron or manganese impurities with in the pockets of growing crystals, along with natural irradation causes the quartz to turn purple.
The word Amethyst comes from Greek term, Amethystus, which means “not druken”.  They believed amethyst protected the human body from intoxication, even drinking from cups made from or jeweled with the stone.  The ancient Greek wrote an interesting story about the creation of this crystal. Amethyst was a young virgin who became the victim of the Greek god Dionysus after he became intoxicated.  She cried out for help to the goddess Diana and she turned Amethyst into a white shimmery stone (quartz).  Dionysus realized what had happened and he felt remorseful.  His tears dripped into his goblet of red wine, the goblet overturned and spilled all over the white rock.  The red wine saturated the stone and it became Purple Quartz, or Amethyst.
This stone has been treasured all through history, dating before Christ.  In 25,000BC, Neolithic people used Amethyst as decoration within their surroundings believing it protected them.  Egyptian pharaohs adorned their tombs, as a symbol of royalty. Amethyst is even cited in biblical references, associated with both Apostle Matthias and Adnachiel the guardian angel.
Amethyst is considered a protective stone.  This crystal is connected with the crown chakra, which is helpful in purifying the mind, assists in clairvoyance and intuition.  Clearing your mind of negative thoughts, including stress and anxiety. Amethyst is also associated with abundance, therefore relieving stress and emanating prosperity and peace.
When meditating with Amethyst either for relaxation, abundance, or protection, repeat to yourself, “I trust myself, I see what I need and it will come to me”.

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